Reduce congestion at the emergency room and GP clinic with SpoedSIM!

June 08, 2023
3 min

[vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][column_text]The crowds at the emergency room and GP clinic in the Netherlands are difficult to predict, resulting in longer waiting times and peak hours. EscuLine has the solution to this with SpoedSIM.

What is RushSIM?

SpoedSIM predicts when it will be busy in the emergency room and family doctor's office. Using past telephony data, it forecasts peak hours and associated patient wait times.

Who is RushSIM intended for?

Managers and team leaders of emergency rooms and primary care centers can use SpoedSIM to schedule triage operators at the right time. Because SpoedSIM gives you advance insight into the number of calls, time of call, call duration, wait time and available triage capacity, triage staffing can be adjusted accordingly.

SpoedSIM provides useful long-term and short-term insights. The long-term insights help create a standard schedule. Suppose wait times are high on a typical Thursday in October and not on Wednesday. Then it might be interesting to shift a shift from Wednesday to Thursday. The long-term insights also help in discussions with funders about increasing the number of triage providers or interventions such as deploying Moet Ik Naar De Dokter (MINDD).

In the short term, SpoedSIM shows that with standard staffing, for example, there will be a peak this Friday. Is this peak so large that an extra shift is needed? Or is one or two hours of on-call staffing sufficient to reduce the peak? SpoedSIM provides insight into this.

You can also use SpoedSIM to see what effect other measures in the emergency room and family doctor's office have on crowding. At one of the clients, for example, you can see that just before a peak, relatively few triage agents answer the phone. They are on desk duty or on break, for example. This insight helps in managing triage. SpoedSIM also provides insight into the effect of reducing call duration or call handling time.

What-if analysis

With a What-If analysis, you look back at a day in the past. By adjusting variables, you learn what could be done better in the future in the emergency room or family doctor's office.

Suppose there was a large queue yesterday between 6 and 7 in the evening that was not eliminated until 9. What would have happened if 1 additional employee was assigned to the phone between 6 and 7? When past data is looked at in this way, it is possible to better anticipate busy times in the future.

In short

SpoedSIM helps you create an efficient schedule for triage workers, reducing workload. Respond to different scenarios by using available data from the past. See what effect different measures have on the development of peak hours and waiting times.

Need a hands-on demo of SpoedSIM or more information about this product or about EscuLine itself? Visit EscuLine BV at booth number 01.D108.[/column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/4″][button="url:https%3A%2F%2Fevents.jaarbeurs.en%2Fcare-and-ict-2023%2Fbegin%3Fref%3Darticle|title:Register%20for%20free%20access|target:%20_blank|"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row

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